

MaterialHardness [Shore (± 5)]ColorLow temp [°C]Highest temperature [°C] Erun Food MTec PFAS MDETUsed inNot used inBrand namesVR Standard
1 (NBR)74black-20100xResistant to hydraulic oils, water glycols and oil-in-water emulsions, mineral oils and mineral oil products, animal and vegetable oils, gasoline, heating oil, water up to approx. 70°C, air up to 90°C, butane, propane, methane, ethanePerbunan®Hycar®Krynac®Elaprim®JSR-N®Chemigum®x
2 (FKM)65turquoise-12220FKM is characterized by excellent resistance to high temperatures, ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®x
3 (EPDM)73blue-40150xxVery good ageing resistance even when exposed to UV radiation and ozone (outdoor use). Resistant to diluted acids and e.g. brake fluids that do not contain mineral oil.Not resistant to mineral oil products!Vistalon®Buna AP®Dutral®APTK®x
5 (HNBR)70brown-40150xxResistant to hydraulic oils, water glycols and oil in water emulsions, mineral oils and mineral oil products, PAO oils, animal and vegetable oils, gasoline, heating oil, water up to approx. 130°C, air up to 150°C, butane, propane, methane, ethaneTherban®Zetpol®x
6 (VMQ)73red-brown-50200xFor high temperatures, hot air up to +210°CSilopren®Silastic®SE®Blensil®Silicone®x
7 (FKM)71grey-6220xFKM is characterized by excellent resistance to high temperatures, ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®
8 (FKM)73white-17220xFKM is characterized by excellent resistance to high temperatures, ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®
9 (FKM)73grey-6220xxFKM is characterized by excellent resistance to high temperatures, ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®
19 (FKM)71near-white-6220xxxFKM is characterized by excellent resistance to high temperatures, ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®x
29 (FKM)73blue-6220xxFKM is characterized by excellent resistance to high temperatures, ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®x
C5 (HNBR)75anthracite-25150xxBeständig gegen Hydrauliköle, Wasserglykole und ÖL in Wasser-Emulsionen, Mineralöle und Mineralölprodukte, PAO Öle, tierische und pflanzliche Öle, Benzin, Heizöl, Wasser bis ca. 70°C, Luft bis 90°C, Butan, Propan, Methan, EthanTherban®Zetpol®x
C2 (FKM)78black-6220xFKM zeichnet sich durch hervorragende Beständigkeiten gegen hohe Temperaturen, Ozon, Sauerstoff, Mineralöle, synthetische Hydraulikflüssigkeiten, Kraftstoffe, Aromate, viele organische Lösungsmittel und Chemikalien aus.Zusätzliche erweiterte chemische Beständigkeit gegen Heißwasser und Säuren.Viton®Tecnoflon®Fluorel®Dai-el®x
CP5 (HNBR)75black-25150xResistant to hydraulic oils, water glycols and oil in water emulsions, mineral oils and mineral oil products, PAO oils, animal and vegetable oils, gasoline, heating oil, water up to approx. 130°C, air up to 150°C, butane, propane, methane, ethaneTherban®Zetpol®
M5 (HNBR)93black-40150xxResistant to hydraulic oils, water glycols and oil in water emulsions, mineral oils and mineral oil products, PAO oils, animal and vegetable oils, gasoline, heating oil, water up to approx. 130°C, air up to 150°C, butane, propane, methane, ethaneTherban®Zetpol®
71 (FFKM)72black-20250FFKM is characterized by excellent chemical and thermal stability with consistent elasticity and is extremely low in outgassing. These favorable material properties combined in one product are not achieved by any other synthetic rubber on the market. However, perfluoro rubber is relatively expensive due to the technically very complex manufacturing process and is therefore not a mass-produced plastic.Kalrez®Perlast®

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